The gasified block of coal contained only 108.1 kg of water, so the separated water must have originated mainly from the evaporation of the moisture contained in the wet sand, and only some of it would have come from the water contained in the coal. Learning the characteristics according to Barrot (2017) of quantitative research will guide you as a researcher the standards you need to consider upon conducting your study. 0000046782 00000 n Quantitative and qualitative research designs differ in terms of their epistemo logical, theoretical . The free space between the coal block and the reactor side walls was also filled with wet sand. Expressed ideas are open to revision. The volumes of the tar vapours were neglected in the calculations, because they constituted 0.050.15% of the combined volumes of the produced gases and water vapour. It is different from deductive reasoning, which draws aconclusionabout a particular casefrom a general law. In his analyzes and interpretations he does not include notions like freedom, will, free choice or moral responsibility. To disseminate policy debates and research results to a wide audience of 0000045254 00000 n When the characteristics of quantitative or qualitative research are discussed, the four essential elements of the research process must be addressed. Qualitative research is a method used mainly in thesocial sciencesto study human phenomenathat require complex analysis for their understanding. The large amount and variety of data it offers allows other scholars to reach . Qualitative . This allows me to make some simple, working distinctions set out in Table 1.2. The temperature inside the reactor was measured with thermocouples of type Pt10Rh-Pt. It allows a description and a complex analysis of the phenomena. Keywords: Ethnography; Grounded Theory; Qualitative . Compared to quantitative research, the disadvantages of qualitative research are: No universal generalization can be made from research results. It is a method used in the investigation when it is necessary to study the range of behavior of a target population in reference to certain issues or problems, as well as their perceptions and motivations. 0000047050 00000 n Online video clip. By using this website or by closing this dialog you agree with the conditions described, Differences between quantitative and qualitative research. The number of labile and . Both research designs have their own strengths and limitations based on the information being. Thinking of Your Research Questions: Characteristics of "Good" and "Bad" Research Questions, Sage Video. Quantitative research is expressed in numbers and graphs. In discussing the results obtained, it should also be taken into account that the iron contained in siderite may have had a catalytic effect in the Bouduard reaction. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. For the reasons above and because qualitative methods often are adapted and It is a method used in research that uses as a platform numerical or quantifiable data to make generalizations about a phenomenon. The high average content of the benzene in the tested tar (77.1%) indicates that it was formed as a result of thermal cracking. Data collection is also controlled by the application of instruments containing items with measurable characteristics, such as age, weight, educational level, average income, among others. Look for the words HTML. Rather, non-measurable data are observed and described. These investigationsnever study an isolated eventbut, to understand each event, behavior or customs, they adopt a holistic position, that is, they take into account the experience of the subject as a whole. Hu, E.; Zeng, X.; Ma, D.; Wang, F.; Yi, X.; Li, Y.; Fu, X. Available at: . SAGE Research Methods Online and Cases NOTE : For a list of online communities, research centers, indispensable learning resources, and personal websites of leading qualitative researchers, GO HERE . trailer Its CO, The temperatures in row I of the thermocouples (fire channel) and row II of the thermocouples, as well as the temperatures at the reactor outlet and inside the wet scrubber, are shown in, The temperature measurement point of the process gas at the reactor outlet was located close to the tar-sampling connection (, The temperatures of the process gas at the inlet to the scrubber were not high, ranging from 90110 C. "Thinking of Your Research Questions: Characteristics of "Good" and "Bad" Research Questions." 18 Mar 2023. Together with the crude benzole, the yield of the coke oven tar is 4.66.1%. The water vapour gradually reacted with the coal, and, as a result, high concentrations of hydrogen and carbon monoxide were observed in the resulting gases. The review highlighted the emotional impact of diagnosis in adulthood, limited provision of formal support and inconsistencies in access and processes (Huang et al., 2020). The Qualitative and quantitative research Are two types or approaches of data collection and analysis to seek the understanding or explanation of a phenomenon. When the characteristics of quantitative or qualitative research are discussed, the four essential elements of the research process must be addressed. accrue from both quantitative and qualitative research. ORAU -U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). In one study [. sign in or create a profile so that you can create alerts, save clips, playlists and searches. At high temperatures in the reactor, in the presence of hydrogen and steam, this tar could undergo hydrocracking and steam reforming. The sand was used as an insulating material, simulating moisture in the vicinity of the gasified coal seam. ; Thorsness, C.B. Zhang, H.R. Likewise, the meaning of motherhood for the same woman will change once she becomes pregnant and has her first child. James Neill (2007). [. The proximity of the researcher to the study and the subjects allows the development of a more sensitive point of view within the field. Results of the Centralia underground coal gasification field test. Title. Characteristics of Quantitative Research. According to the second mechanism, at lower temperatures, the hydrogen that is generated can reform into the separated tar components and inhibit the repolymerisation reaction of their molecules. Wang, G.X. Korus, A.; Samson, A.; Szlk, A.; Katelbach-Woniak, A.; Sadek, S. Pyrolytic toluene conversion to benzene and coke over activated carbon in a fixed-bed reactor. It differs from quantitative research, which looks for measurable and comparable data such as percentages, quantities, and probabilities. It aims at establishing cause and effect relationship between two variables by using mathematical, computational and statistical methods. There has been much debate among scholars in recent decades about the merits and shortcomings of both research strategies, especially in the social sciences. 0000003800 00000 n A Feature The study can not be reproduced at any level or capacity, and the results can not be applied or generalized in larger contexts. national and local governments with comparative and up-to-date material centred 0000000756 00000 n London: SAGE Publications, Ltd., 4 Jan 2023. doi: ; Cena, R.J.; Stephens, D.R. Lysimetric waters (soil waters) of background territories in diff For this, the subjects studiedare considered within the framework of their past, their expectations for the future and their location within their specific context. The principle of random selection of a population sample is applied to avoid biased interpretation of results. The trend line for the changes in the amount of obtained water, shown in, The concentrations of the individual tar components are shown in, Phenols, whose concentrations are shown in, Based on the results that were obtained, the concentrations of the individual compounds in the groups were summed and presented as total concentrations of the BTEX, PAHs, and phenols. Research Methods. 0000000016 00000 n Environ. The numbers originate from objective measurement scales for the study units to analyze variable calls. At the moment one does not think so black and white in terms of pros or cons, good or bad, objective or subjective, scientific or anti-scientific; You could say that the paradigms have been breaking. The content of many of these compounds in tar does not even exceed 1%. Use Repeatable Method 6. Quantitative Versus Qualitative Research, or Both? Ronald L. Jackson II, Darlene K. Drummond, & Sakile Camara The defining nature and characteristics of qualitative research are surveyed in this arti-cle, which identifies key distinctions between method and methodology. Learn More about Embedding Videoicon link (opens in new window). You seem to have javascript disabled. The conversion of this quantity of liquid water into steam requires supplying approximately 1265 MJ of thermal energy, which is equivalent to the combustion of approximately 56 kg of gasified coal. Human beings do not necessarily respond in the same way under the same circumstances, not even the same person. 0000004084 00000 n 0000044962 00000 n The following are the strategies in qualitative research: 1. Nitrogen is used for inerting the installation and for cooling the reactor after the gasification process is complete. They tend to be deep studies of small groups of people with whom the hypothesis is established, to describe in depth a phenomenon, social reality, culture, behavior or experience. Qualitative research does not usually allow statistical analysis. These strategies also provide a guideline or methodological framework for presenting, in writing, both the process and the results of the study in the form of research reports. The presence of the researcher ends up having a significant impact on the subjects. If the observations are not repeatable, both results and conclusions are considered to be unreliable. When studying a social group or a society far from his own, the qualitative researcherdoes not judge the attitudes and thoughts of that group from his own point of viewbut tries to understand it within the framework ofvalues,norms, practices and beliefs of the group studied. Sign up for a free trial and experience all Sage Research Methods has to offer. The dimensions of the gasified coal block were 3.8 0.7 0.7 m (width, depth, and height). Qualitative research takes time and requires more work than other types of research. This test gives weight to the study. The ex situ coal gasification studies presented in the article were aimed at identifying this problem to a significant extent. Quantitative vs. Qualitative - Texas A&M University-Commerce Hill, R.W. Facilitates a horizontal relationship with the investigated groups. An estimation of the efficiency of the tar production from the gasified coal was made, taking into account the total amount of the gasified coal, which was 532.8 kg. Identifying Qualitative and Quantitative Research Characteristics. Campbell, G.G. Rather, the degree of . 0000001298 00000 n Generally statistical scales are used to discriminate the behavior of a variable and thus explain the phenomenon being studied; Which makes them possible to be predictable by the researcher. (Series) TN23.un no. Apparatus for Opening Ports in Gas Pipes in Underground Gasification of Coal. This frees the interpretation of generalized results, where there is no exact or universal definition for all behaviors. In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. Feng, L.; Liu, J.; Xin, J.; Pang, J. The information collected is not numerical nor can it be defined with scales. Wilderdom. Add this content to your learning management system or webpage by copying the code below into the HTML editor on the page. The pressure was measured by WIKA digital transmitters of type IS-20-S. ; Eddings, E.G. Regoniel Patrick A. data obtained through qualitative research to be more trustworthy and informative. As a result of both reactions, the amount of lighter separated tar increases. The authors note that qualitative research is primarily concerned understanding human beings . Lysimetric waters (soil waters) of background territories in different seasons are considered. For The analysis of the coal and sand was carried out in the certified laboratory at Silesian Technical University, according to Polish standards. Upon starting the experiment, the suction fan was first activated, and then the coal seam was ignited with a pyrotechnic charge [, The tar samples were taken every few hours (68 h), directly from the process gas, through the tar sampling connection (. Find step-by-step guidance to complete your research project. , 2021. Please let us know what you think of our products and services. Energy Sources Part A Recovery Util. We do not have any contact with official entities nor do we intend to replace the information that they emit. Differences Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods. Unconventional Oil Production from Underground Coal Gasification and Gas to Liquids Technologies. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. The obtained tar was characterised by a high average content of BTEX fractions at approximately 82.6%, PAHs at 14.7%, and phenols at 2.7%. Mixed research - research that involves the mixing of quantitative and qualitative methods or paradigm . Its heavier components condense in the higher temperature zone, while its lighter components condense in places closer to the surface, where the temperature is lower. Taking into account a 30% error in underestimating the amount of tar that was obtained, it was calculated that the yield of the tar in this process was approximately 1.8% of the mass of the gasified coal. Wiley has partnerships with many of the worlds leading societies and publishes over 1,500 peer-reviewed journals and 1,500+ new books annually in print and online, as well as databases, major reference works and laboratory protocols in STMS subjects. Retrieved from What is Qualitative Research? The operationalization is essential to identify the measurable elements that define the variables that interact, establishing the empirical referents or terms within it. As ethane is released during the cracking of the tar, the increase in ethane during these time intervals indicates the occurrence of cracking processes in the tar produced. Pirard, J.P.; Brasseur, A.; Come, A.; Mostade, M.; Pirlot, P. Results of tracer test during the El Tremedal underground coal gasification at great depth. ; Li, S.; Kelly, K.E. What Is Qualitative Research? Often the results are fairly banal or trivial, with no significant consequence given the restrictive and controlled nature of the variables. The yield of the crude benzol is typically 1.1% of the weight of the coked coal. We use cookies to provide our online service. Political Science and International Relations. The description. The analysis of the siderite was carried out at the Silesian Interdisciplinary Education and Research Centre in Chorzw. When comparing the tar yield from the UCG process with the tar yield from a classic coal coking process, it should be taken into account that the coke oven tar yield is approximately 3.55% of the weight of the coked coal. papers requested by the individual editor responsible for the issue and a member Quantitative research is a form of research that relies on the methods of natural sciences, which produces numerical data and hard facts. For this reason, the nature of quantitative research is descriptive and necessarily both the subject and its variables and elements of the problem must be able to be defined, measured or translated into numbers. 0000004334 00000 n Starting from the 46th hour of the process, an increase in the amount of ethane produced is also visible. You are accessing a machine-readable page. It is assumed that the possible inaccuracies of the results presented in this work result from the imprecise determination of hydrocarbon concentrations in tar samples taken into sorption tubes. To examine, compare and assess education policies, trends, reforms and This visualization demonstrates how methods are related and connects users to relevant content. For this purpose, the ratio (in percentage) was calculated from the area of the peaks corresponding to the analysed compounds, divided by the sum of the areas of all the peaks obtained in the spectrum. This reaction is favoured [, Numerical simulation, in addition to the experiments, can also be effectively applied to the study of tar formation and conversion in UCG. "An Experimental Study on the Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Tar Formed during Ex Situ Coal Gasification" Energies 16, no. ; Campbell, S.L. Present Data in Tables, Graphs, or Figures 5. Jones & Bartlett Learning. Qualitative research strategies. Qualitative research provides flesh and blood to social analyzes. The moisture content in the sand, determined in accordance with the PN-G-04511:1980 standard, was 11.0%. The results of the ex situ coal gasification presented in the article show that, during this process, tar was released with different intensities, and its efficiency and composition depended on the gasification parameters. %%EOF On the one hand are those who see both approaches as separate entities that are based on different and interchangeable visions of the world, and on the other hand those who are more than comfortable with combining the methods by seeing them as complementary. It seems that, under the conditions prevailing in the reactor (a high temperature at the beginning and a lower temperature at the end, and the presence of hydrogen and steam), apart from cracking, some reforming processes (isomerisation, cyclization, and aromatisation) could have taken place. T. his chapter focuses on research designs commonly used when conducting . Tar reforming using the supported potassium carbonate. There was an increase in the proportions of the BTEX compounds and phenol compounds, and a decrease in the proportion of the PAH compounds. As the reaction progressed, the water that was contained in the wet sand started to react with the gasified coal, which significantly affected the composition and amount of the obtained process gas and the produced tar. He not only covers Technical articles but also has skills in the fields of SEO, graphics, web development and coding. Effects of Moisture content in Coal on Pyrolysis Behavior in indirectly Heated Fixed-Bed Reactor with Internals. This was most likely the result of the gasification zone moving closer to the wet sand. Compared to a quantitative research, the advantages of a qualitative research are: The results lose objectivity because they depend on the interpretation of the researcher. The various tech-niques used to ensure rigour in qualitative research are described The obtained results of the technical and elemental analysis of the coal are shown in, The analysed bituminous coal was characterised by a low moisture content (as received) of 4.7%, a relatively high ash content of 16.30%, and a volatile matter content of 30.10%. Klebingat, S.; Kempka, T.; Schulten, M.; Azzam, R.; Manuel Fernndez-Steeger, T.M. Producing Hydrocarbons by the Underground Gasification of Coal. Whether it is the best of two worlds in the universe of scholarly works, or lines of research that when integrated into the same study will contaminate each other, the two approaches meet the main objectives in an investigation. Some of the characteristics were, identified through word play, graphs, numbers, and mathematical techniques. Qualitative is usually more subjective, although like quantitative research, it also uses a systematic approach. Answer a handful of multiple-choice questions to see which statistical method is best for your data. able to comprehend what is being investigated or studied. In addition tostudying processes in society, the researcher takes into account the way his own research progresses. Robson (2002, p43) noted that there has been a paradigm war between constructivists and positivists. 0000007929 00000 n Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly quantitative research studies. I. All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. For a mother in Congo, the concept of motherhood will be totally different from that of an Argentine mother. Wiatowski, M.; Kapusta, K.; Staczyk, K. Analysis and characteristics of tars collected during a pilot-scale underground coal gasification (UCG) trial. Their average concentrations were 82.6%, 14.7%, and 2.7%, respectively. 0000001637 00000 n The prepared coal block was placed inside the reactor on a 0.2 m thick wet sand layer. At the reactor inlet, outlet, and in the scrubber, Pt100 resistance sensors were used. Instead, qualitative research seeks to provide rich and detailed descriptions of the experiences and perspectives of individuals and groups. After the ignition of the coal, the temperature rapidly increased around the location of the igniting charge., Subscribe to receive issue release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals, You can make submissions to other journals. 0 Finally, it is concluded that qualitative research is increasingly finding its own identity when viewed in terms of the goals and procedures of quantitative and critical approaches to communication. No special Perkins, G.; Toit, E.; Cochrane, G.; Bollaert, G. Overview of underground coal gasification operations at Chinchilla, Australia. What is qualitative research? To enhance your experience on our site, SAGE stores cookies on your computer. When studying a social phenomenon, you dont just study leaders. Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view. The study, definition, data collection, and analysis may well be perfectly objective, but the researcher does not; As this is subjectively involved when deciding the research topic or problem and during the interpretation of the results. Quantitative research is replicable, making it especially reliable. For more information, please refer to Accessed 03/18/2023. Energies. . The hypothesis must exist and be subject to empirical evidence within the framework of the investigation. The tar was sampled approximately every 7 h into sorption tubes directly from the reactor outlet. The other compounds of this group, namely toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes, had boiling temperatures of 110.6 C, 136 C, and 139 C, respectively. ; Strakhov, V.M. The process gas flow was measured with an ELSTER bellows gasometer of type BK-G10M. Collaborative Research Group (CRG) USA 2016 - 2023, All Rights Reserved. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Review of the Water Gas Shift Reaction Kinetics. Due to their very large number, those with a percentage share of less than 0.1% were omitted. Administrators and Non-Institutional Users: Add this content to your learning management system or webpage by copying the code below into the HTML editor on the page. The error that was calculated on this basis was approximately (minus) 30% of the total tar mass. Depending on the phenomena the researcher encounters, he can hypothesize and correct concepts as he goes along. The results that were obtained were recalculated into the concentrations of the individual components of the tar and its mass stream in the process gas. Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for See further details. Over the three-day gasification test of a large coal block with oxygen in atmospheric pressure conditions, the yield and composition of the tar collected was investigated. 75 0 obj<>stream This is because, during the process, the gasification zone was expanding, which meant that subsequent amounts of coal were gasified, producing new amounts of tar. Qualitative research acknowledges the subjectivity of the researcher and the participants, and recognizes that multiple perspectives and interpretations are possible. Qualitative investigations can be complemented with other quantitative ones. One of the reasons why qualitative research does not seek universal generalizations is because itdoes not focus on fixed situations or invariant statesof a society, but rather studies processes. The time for data collection, analysis and interpretation of data is extensive. Quantitative methodology is the dominant research framework in the social sciences. Russian Patent 64,509, 30 April 1945. Theresearchercan interact directly through theinterviewor through participation in activities in thecommunityhe studies. Quantitative Methods: Meaning and Characteristics. ; Jung, D.; Miyawaki, J.; Yoon, S.H. By using both quantitative and qualitative data, researchers have a more holistic, well-rounded understanding of a particular topic or phenomenon. New knowledge from the results emerges through an inductive process. It is endothermic and reversible. Thinking of your research questions: characteristics of "good" and "bad" research questions [Video]. The consumption of this amount of energy must have lowered the temperature in the reactor, as shown in the temperature diagrams. The results that were obtained are presented in, From the graphs of the mass flows of the BTEX, PAHs, and phenols, as shown in, The residence time of the tar vapours in the reactor can be calculated based on the temperatures in the reactor, the geometry of the reactor, and the amount of gases and water released in the process. Watch videos from a variety of sources bringing classroom topics to life, Explore hundreds of books and reference titles. In accordance with the coal-exposed fresh portions of the total tar mass was used as an material..., well-rounded understanding of a particular casefrom a general law Schulten, M. related... Was measured with thermocouples of type Pt10Rh-Pt the time for data collection analysis! Impact on the phenomena are: no universal generalization can be made from research results in. Coked coal mainly in thesocial sciencesto study human phenomenathat require complex analysis for their understanding that from the issue. 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