break; case 'GU': | Showing 1-14 of 14. mycountrycode.value = '54'; case 'KI': mycountrycode.value = '213'; break; case 'CN': case 'JO': "both_one":this.chooseHandle(a));switch({case "base":var b=(this.options.max-this.options.min)/100;a=(this.result.from-this.options.min)/b;b=(;this.coords.p_single_real=this.toFixed(a);this.coords.p_from_real=this.toFixed(a);this.coords.p_to_real=this.toFixed(b);this.coords.p_single_real=this.checkDiapason(this.coords.p_single_real,this.options.from_min,this.options.from_max);this.coords.p_from_real=this.checkDiapason(this.coords.p_from_real, break; break; break; Used Equipment PR1672 CATALOG SEARCH mycountrycode.value = '503'; Driveline (826-434C) View Assembly. case 'WS': break; break; break; break; Although performing, shows indication of needing repair or replacement. break; Drive Chain Enclosed In Oil Bath With Drain Plug: Oil keeps the chain and sprockets lubricated to keep abrasion to a minimum. Dealer Search - OR - Kubota Dealers in Canada LATEST TWEETS: @LANDPRIDE Shop Land Pride has items on sale![a]+"%"},calcGridCollision:function(a,b,d){var c,e,g,f=this.coords.big_num;for(c=0;c=f)break;g=this.$cache.grid_labels[e][0];[c]<=b[e]? case 'IQ': break; MN this.coords.big_p[a]);this.options.force_edges&&(b[0]<-this.coords.grid_gap&&(b[0]=-this.coords.grid_gap,d[0]=this.toFixed(b[0]+this.coords.big_p[0]),this.coords.big_x[0]=this.coords.grid_gap),d[c-1]>100+this.coords.grid_gap&&(d[c-1]=100+this.coords.grid_gap,b[c-1]=this.toFixed(d[c-1]-this.coords.big_p[c-1]),this.coords.big_x[c-1]=this.toFixed(this.coords.big_p[c-1]-this.coords.grid_gap)));this.calcGridCollision(2,b,d);this.calcGridCollision(4,b,d);for(a=0;ak&&(k=0));this.coords.big[b]=g;h=(g-e*(b-1))/ mycountrycode.value = '670'; break; case 'FM': (a=this.decorate(b[this.result.from]),a+=this.options.values_separator,a+=this.decorate(b[])):a=this.decorate(b[this.result.from]+this.options.values_separator+b[]),d=this.decorate(b[this.result.from]),b=this.decorate(b[])):(this.options.decorate_both? PR1660 PR1672 PR1690 Horsepower 25-60 HP 35-75 HP Hitch Cat. case 'AM': break; View Assembly. to:null,step:1,min_interval:0,max_interval:0,drag_interval:!1,values:[],p_values:[],from_fixed:!1,from_min:null,from_max:null,from_shadow:!1,to_fixed:!1,to_min:null,to_max:null,to_shadow:!1,prettify_enabled:!0,prettify_separator:",",prettify:null,force_edges:!1,keyboard:!1,keyboard_step:5,grid:!1,grid_margin:!0,grid_num:4,grid_snap:!1,hide_min_max:!1,hide_from_to:!1,prefix:"",postfix:"",max_postfix:"",decorate_both:!0,values_separator:" \u2014 ",input_values_separator:";",disable:!1,onStart:null, case 'BI': break; case 'BN': mycountrycode.value = '504'; document.getElementById("mycurrency").value = currency; Additional information is available in this. mycountrycode.value = '686'; Search for other Landscaping Equipment items, 10% of the final selling price (min $100), 4.85% of the final selling price (min $1,200). case 'FK': mycountrycode.value = '961'; Can be used with Land Pride QH15 Cat. b=this.options.p_values,d;if(!this.options.hide_from_to)if("single"===this.options.type)a=a?this.decorate(b[this.result.from]):this.decorate(this._prettify(this.result.from),this.result.from),this.$cache.single.html(a),this.calcLabels(),this.$cache.min[0].style.visibility=this.labels.p_single_left100-this.labels.p_max-1?"hidden":"visible";else{a?(this.options.decorate_both? case 'AG': mycountrycode.value = '254'; break; break; pointerMove:function(a){this.dragging&&(this.coords.x_pointer=(a.pageX||a.originalEvent.touches&&a.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX)-this.coords.x_gap,this.calc())},pointerUp:function(a){if(this.current_plugin===this.plugin_count&&this.is_active){this.is_active=!1;this.$cache.cont.find(".state_hover").removeClass("state_hover");this.force_redraw=!0;p&&f("*").prop("unselectable",!1);this.updateScene();this.restoreOriginalMinInterval();if(f.contains(this.$cache.cont[0],||this.dragging)this.is_finish= this.checkEdges(this.labels.p_to_left,this.labels.p_to_fake),this.labels.w_single=this.$cache.single.outerWidth(!1),this.labels.p_single_fake=this.labels.w_single/this.coords.w_rs*100,this.labels.p_single_left=(this.labels.p_from_left+this.labels.p_to_left+this.labels.p_to_fake)/2-this.labels.p_single_fake/2,this.labels.p_single_left=this.toFixed(this.labels.p_single_left)),this.labels.p_single_left=this.checkEdges(this.labels.p_single_left,this.labels.p_single_fake))},updateScene:function(){this.raf_id&& case 'HM': case 'CX': }); GET A QUOTE. break; mycountrycode.value = '291'; case 'MK': case 'HR': (this.appendDisableMask(),this.$cache.input[0].disabled=!0):(this.$cache.cont.removeClass("irs-disabled"),this.$cache.input[0].disabled= case 'SJ': default: (k+1);for(d=1;d<=k&&0!==g;d++)m=this.toFixed(g-h*d),n+='';n+='';m=this.convertToValue(g);m=a.values.length?a.p_values[m]:this._prettify(m);n+=''+m+""}this.coords.big_num=Math.ceil(c+1);this.$cache.cont.addClass("irs-with-grid");this.$cache.grid.html(n);this.cacheGridLabels()}},cacheGridLabels:function(){var a, mycountrycode.value = '230'; (this.labels.w_single=this.$cache.single.outerWidth(!1),this.labels.p_single_fake=this.labels.w_single/this.coords.w_rs*100,this.labels.p_single_left=this.coords.p_single_fake+this.coords.p_handle/2-this.labels.p_single_fake/2):(this.labels.w_from=this.$cache.from.outerWidth(!1),this.labels.p_from_fake=this.labels.w_from/this.coords.w_rs*100,this.labels.p_from_left= break; For Buyers in the United States IronPlanet hereby notifies you that the consigners of certain pieces of Equipment may have assigned to a qualified intermediary their rights, but not their obligations, for purposes of effecting a deferred Like-Kind Exchange under section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and applicable regulations. mycountrycode.value = '692'; case 'PL': mycountrycode.value = '376'; case 'GE': case 'LS': case 'MC': ), 540 rpm, Ball Bearings, Cast Iron Housing, Drain Plug, 9 3/8" Dia. Parts Online this.updateScene())},pointerClick:function(a,b){b.preventDefault();var d=b.pageX||b.originalEvent.touches&&b.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;2!==b.button&&(this.current_plugin=this.plugin_count,,this.is_click=!0,this.coords.x_gap=this.$,this.coords.x_pointer=+(d-this.coords.x_gap).toFixed(),this.force_redraw=!0,this.calc(),this.$cache.line.trigger("focus"))},key:function(a,b){if(! Inventory Unit Detail Olson Power & Equipment, Inc. North Branch, MN (651) 674-4494 (651) 674-4494 Map & Hours Contact Us Toggle navigation. mycountrycode.value = '370'; mycountrycode.value = '260';"inputValuesSeparator"),"disable")};c.values=c.values&&c.values.split(",");for(e in c)c.hasOwnProperty(e)&&(c[e]||0===c[e]||delete c[e]);a&&(a=a.split(c.input_values_separator||b.input_values_separator||";"),a[0]&&a[0]==+a[0]&&(a[0]=+a[0]),a[1]&&a[1]==+a[1]&&(a[1]=+a[1]),b&&b.values&&b.values.length? case 'US': document.getElementById("myareacode").focus(); "function"===typeof this.options.onFinish)this.options.onFinish(this.result)},callOnUpdate:function(){if(this.options.onUpdate&&"function"===typeof this.options.onUpdate)this.options.onUpdate(this.result)},toggleInput:function(){this.$cache.input.toggleClass("irs-hidden-input")},convertToPercent:function(a,b){var d=this.options.max-this.options.min;return d?this.toFixed((b?a:a-this.options.min)/(d/100)):(this.no_diapason=!0,0)},convertToValue:function(a){var b=this.options.min,d=this.options.max, case 'MM': Easily store the side plates on the Powered Rake so that they are always with the rake when needed. break; case 'PK': case 'DZ': "single"===this.options.type?this.$cache.s_single.outerWidth(!1):this.$cache.s_from.outerWidth(!1);this.coords.p_handle=this.toFixed(this.coords.w_handle/this.coords.w_rs*100)},chooseHandle:function(a){return"single"===this.options.type?"single":a>=this.coords.p_from_real+(this.coords.p_to_real-this.coords.p_from_real)/2?this.options.to_fixed?"from":"to":this.options.from_fixed? mycountrycode.value = '237'; mycountrycode.value = '41'; mycountrycode.value = '47'; case 'ET': case 'YT': break; break; ")[1])?a=+a.toFixed(b.length):(a/=this.options.step,a*=this.options.step,a=+a.toFixed(0));f&&(a-=f);f=b?+a.toFixed(b.length):this.toFixed(a);fthis.options.max&& mycountrycode.value = '222'; mycountrycode.value = '386'; break; break; Land Pride PR1672 72" Power Rake JenningsEquipment 41.4K subscribers Subscribe 495 Share 453K views 10 years ago For driveway maintenance as well as a host of other chores, this Land Pride. case 'BH': this.result={input:this.$cache.input,slider:null,min:this.options.min,max:this.options.max,from:this.options.from,from_percent:0,from_value:null,,to_percent:0,to_value:null};this.init()};q.prototype={init:function(a){this.no_diapason=!1;this.coords.p_step=this.convertToPercent(this.options.step,!0);"base";this.toggleInput();this.append();this.setMinMax();a? mycountrycode.value = '49'; mycountrycode.value = '94'; mycountrycode.value = '591'; this.plugin_count);this.$"mouseup.irs_"+this.plugin_count);p&&(this.$"mouseup.irs_"+this.plugin_count),this.$"mouseleave.irs_"+this.plugin_count));this.$cache.grid_labels=[];this.coords.big=[];this.coords.big_w=[];this.coords.big_p=[];this.coords.big_x=[];cancelAnimationFrame(this.raf_id)},bindEvents:function(){if(!this.no_diapason){this.$cache.body.on("touchmove.irs_"+this.plugin_count,this.pointerMove.bind(this));this.$cache.body.on("mousemove.irs_"+this.plugin_count, case 'GW': case 'CI': this.coords.p_to_real=this.convertToRealPercent(a)+this.coords.p_gap_right;this.coords.p_to_real=this.calcWithStep(this.coords.p_to_real);this.coords.p_to_real=this.checkDiapason(this.coords.p_to_real,this.options.to_min,this.options.to_max);this.coords.p_to_real=this.checkMinInterval(this.coords.p_to_real,this.coords.p_from_real,"to");this.coords.p_to_fake=this.convertToFakePercent(this.coords.p_to_real);break;case "both_one":if(this.options.from_fixed||this.options.to_fixed)break;var d=this.convertToRealPercent(a); Land Pride's PR16 Series Powered Rakes is a multi-functional seed bed or soil surface preparation tools for landscapers and turf care professionals, capable of grading, leveling, shaping, cultivating, renovating and pulverizing various . How Bidding Works Add to Watch List ITEM DETAILS Serial # 1564858 540 PTO, 3-Point Hitch IronClad Assurance Inspected by IronPlanet currency = 'AUD'; Our team of 100+ friendly financing experts are here to help your business grow, and are ready to invest in your success over the long term. New Products break; break; // Ion.RangeSlider | version 2.1.2 | /selling/sell-now Whether you have one piece of equipment, a fleet of trucks or an entire farm to sell, we can turn your valuable assets into cash - quickly, efficiently and for the best possible returns. break; case 'ER': They are also capable of raking or windrowing soil, rocks, a + Read More. break; case 'GI': this.coords.p_from_real=this.checkDiapason(this.coords.p_from_real,this.options.from_min,this.options.from_max);this.coords.p_from_real=this.checkMinInterval(this.coords.p_from_real,this.coords.p_to_real,"from");this.coords.p_from_real=this.checkMaxInterval(this.coords.p_from_real,this.coords.p_to_real,"from");this.coords.p_from_fake=this.convertToFakePercent(this.coords.p_from_real);break;case "to":if(this.options.to_fixed)break;this.coords.p_to_real=this.convertToRealPercent(a);this.coords.p_to_real= case 'IL': break; break; } case 'KZ': Land Pride's PR16 Series Powered Rakes are multi-functional seed bed or soil surface preparation tools for landscapers and turf care professionals, capable of grading, leveling, shaping, cultivating, renovating and pulverizing various types of soil surfaces. break; typeof a.min_interval||isNaN(a.min_interval)||!a.min_interval||0>a.min_interval)a.min_interval=0;if("number"!==typeof a.max_interval||isNaN(a.max_interval)||!a.max_interval||0>a.max_interval)a.max_interval=0;a.min_interval&&a.min_interval>a.max-a.min&&(a.min_interval=a.max-a.min);a.max_interval&&a.max_interval>a.max-a.min&&(a.max_interval=a.max-a.min)},decorate:function(a,b){var d="",c=this.options;c.prefix&&(d+=c.prefix);d+=a;c.max_postfix&&(c.values.length&&a===c.p_values[c.max]? case 'MO': mycountrycode.value = '872'; case 'AX': mycountrycode.value = '505'; They are also capable of raking or windrowing soil, rocks, and construction site debris. "hidden":"visible"}}},drawShadow:function(){var a=this.options,b=this.$cache,d="number"===typeof a.from_min&&!isNaN(a.from_min),c="number"===typeof a.from_max&& mycountrycode.value = '506'; Easy to maintain and change oil level. Gauge Wheels With Sealant: Easy to adjust vertically to set working depth. 7 0 obj <> endobj }); Cat. break; case 'DJ': break; break; prefix: "$", break; break; case 'UM': break; They are also capable of raking or windrowing soil, rocks, a. case 'AO': case 'GB': case 'TR': case 'GT': break; PR16 Series Powered Rakes PR1672. ;(function(f,r,h,t,v){var u=0,p=function(){var a=t.userAgent,b=/msie\s\d+/i;return 0a)? Parts Hotline 877-260-3528. mycountrycode.value = '389'; mycountrycode.value = '672'; break; break; They are also capable of raking or windrowing soil, rocks, and construction site debris. if (letters <= 3) mycountrycode.value = '355'; this.$cache.shad_single.on("touchstart.irs_"+this.plugin_count,this.pointerClick.bind(this,"click")),this.$cache.single.on("mousedown.irs_"+this.plugin_count,this.pointerDown.bind(this,"single")),this.$cache.s_single.on("mousedown.irs_"+this.plugin_count,this.pointerDown.bind(this,"single")),this.$cache.edge.on("mousedown.irs_"+this.plugin_count,this.pointerClick.bind(this,"click")),this.$cache.shad_single.on("mousedown.irs_"+this.plugin_count,this.pointerClick.bind(this,"click"))):(this.$cache.single.on("touchstart.irs_"+ mycountrycode.value = '378'; break; case 'BA': . Port Perry, Ontario, Canada. this.coords.p_single_fake+"%",this.$cache.single[0].style.left=this.labels.p_single_left+"%",this.options.values.length?this.$cache.input.prop("value",this.result.from_value):this.$cache.input.prop("value",this.result.from),this.$"from",this.result.from);else{this.$cache.s_from[0].style.left=this.coords.p_from_fake+"%";this.$cache.s_to[0].style.left=this.coords.p_to_fake+"%";if(this.old_from!==this.result.from||this.force_redraw)this.$cache.from[0].style.left=this.labels.p_from_left+ case 'TD': mycountrycode.value = '649'; mycountrycode.value = '971'; case 'BB': PR1672: Tractor Horsepower Range: 25-60: Non-Angled Working Width: 72" Weight: 1000 lbs. mycountrycode.value = '290'; case 'MD': Known as the Northridge Earthquake, it caused at least 57 fatalities (a subsequent study put the death toll at 72, including heart attacks) and injured thousands. break; (May need extra driveline. break; case 'NR': break; Land Pride's PR16 Series Powered Rakes is a multi-functional seed bed or soil surface preparation tools for landscapers and turf care professionals, capable of grading, leveling, shaping, cultivating, renovating and pulverizing various types of soil surfaces. case 'GH': | As you were browsing something about your browser made us think you were a bot. break; break; break; LANDPRIDE 72 POWER RAKE. mycountrycode.value = '596'; case 'AL': | h[b[d]+"CancelAnimationFrame"]||h[b[d]+"CancelRequestAnimationFrame"];h.requestAnimationFrame||(h.requestAnimationFrame=function(b,d){var g=(new Date).getTime(),f=Math.max(0,16-(g-a)),k=h.setTimeout(function(){b(g+f)},f);a=g+f;return k});h.cancelAnimationFrame||(h.cancelAnimationFrame=function(a){clearTimeout(a)})})()})(jQuery,document,window,navigator); break; case 'LI': with 3/4"X1 1/2" Carbide Tipped Studs, Angle Adjustment: 15 degrees left or right - Hydraulic or manual, Side Plates: Standard, Removable with Storage Rack, Gauge Wheels / Depth Control: 16.5" X 6.5" Air Tires with Sealant and 3/4" Roller Bearings and Spacer Height Adjustment, Chain Case Lubrication: Shell Gradus S2 V2200 00 flowable grease Land Pride Part #821-045C [32 oz. mycountrycode.value = '229'; mycountrycode.value = '45'; break; c.postfix&&(d+=" ")):b===c.max&&(d+=c.max_postfix,c.postfix&&(d+=" ")));c.postfix&&(d+=c.postfix);return d},updateFrom:function(){this.result.from=this.options.from;this.result.from_percent=this.convertToPercent(this.result.from);this.options.values&&(this.result.from_value=this.options.values[this.result.from])},updateTo:function(){;this.result.to_percent=this.convertToPercent(;this.options.values&&(this.result.to_value=this.options.values[])}, case 'SI': "to":"from"},calcMinMax:function(){this.coords.w_rs&&(this.labels.p_min=this.labels.w_min/this.coords.w_rs*100,this.labels.p_max= PR1672: Tractor Horsepower Range: 25-60: Non-Angled Working Width: 72" Weight: 1000 lbs. %PDF-1.6 % mycountrycode.value = '996'; break; mycountrycode.value = '381'; case 'HU': (a.from=+a.from);"string"===typeof;"string"===typeof a.step&&(a.step=+a.step);"string"===typeof a.from_min&&(a.from_min=+a.from_min);"string"===typeof a.from_max&&(a.from_max=+a.from_max);"string"===typeof a.to_min&&(a.to_min=+a.to_min);"string"===typeof a.to_max&&(a.to_max=+a.to_max);"string"===typeof a.keyboard_step&&(a.keyboard_step=+a.keyboard_step);"string"===typeof a.grid_num&&(a.grid_num=+a.grid_num);a.maxthis.coords.w_rs&&(this.coords.x_pointer=this.coords.w_rs),this.coords.p_pointer=this.toFixed(this.coords.x_pointer/this.coords.w_rs*100)):this.coords.p_pointer=0},convertToRealPercent:function(a){return a/(100-this.coords.p_handle)*100},convertToFakePercent:function(a){return a/100*(100-this.coords.p_handle)},getHandleX:function(){var a=100-this.coords.p_handle,b=this.toFixed(this.coords.p_pointer-this.coords.p_gap);0>b?b=0:b>a&&(b=a);return b},calcHandlePercent:function(){this.coords.w_handle= break; mycountrycode.value = '357'; l Quick Hitch. break; mycountrycode.value = '33'; mycountrycode.value = '970'; Land Pride mycountrycode.value = '20'; break; break; Use the Loan Calculator to help you determine the financing and payment options that are best for you. 43420 Auction Date Feb 9, time TBD Starting Bid US $4,100 Bid Increment US $100 US $ You will confirm this bid on the next page. break; 59 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7BBCC4917D635D4CB4B3914692A2AB17><32A1462563A188439AEAE12C03145B48>]/Index[7 94]/Info 6 0 R/Length 209/Prev 892623/Root 8 0 R/Size 101/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream break; case 'BS': }); break; case 'MU': break; break; mycountrycode.value = '31'; case 'MR': mycountrycode.value = '965'; case 'BD': case 'AW': !0,this.callOnFinish();this.dragging=!1}},pointerDown:function(a,b){b.preventDefault();var d=b.pageX||b.originalEvent.touches&&b.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;2!==b.button&&("both"===a&&this.setTempMinInterval(),a||(,this.current_plugin=this.plugin_count,,this.dragging=this.is_active=!0,this.coords.x_gap=this.$,this.coords.x_pointer=d-this.coords.x_gap,this.calcPointerPercent(),this.changeLevel(a),p&&f("*").prop("unselectable",!0),this.$cache.line.trigger("focus"), case 'VU': this.moveByKey(!1);break;case 87:case 68:case 38:case 39:b.preventDefault(),this.moveByKey(!0)}return!0}},moveByKey:function(a){var b=this.coords.p_pointer,b=a?b+this.options.keyboard_step:b-this.options.keyboard_step;this.coords.x_pointer=this.toFixed(this.coords.w_rs/100*b);this.is_key=!0;this.calc()},setMinMax:function(){this.options&&(this.options.hide_min_max?(this.$cache.min[0].style.display="none",this.$cache.max[0].style.display="none"):(this.options.values.length? mycountrycode.value = '352'; Call: (518) 843-1660; Send Us A Message; Follow Us ; Have a question or comment? break; mycountrycode.value = '2'; mycountrycode.value = '93'; mycountrycode.value = '354'; mycountrycode.value = '40'; A third-party browser plugin, such as Ghostery or NoScript, is preventing JavaScript from running. mycountrycode.value = '963'; break; Florida, USA. l Quick Hitch: Gearbox: 540 rpm, Ball Bearings, Cast Iron Housing, Drain Plug: Gearbox Oil Capacity & Lubrication Type: SAE 90 Weight Gear Lube - 2.38 pints empty (Add gear lube until it escapes from . case 'GN': 6" X 3" X 1/4" Tube Frames (152 mm x 76 mm x 6 mm): Superior in strength. case 'MQ': break; endstream endobj startxref The 60" (PR1660) or 72" (PR1672) working widths are a good choice for smaller or "space restricted" landscaping and turf renovation jobs, while the 90" (PR1690) model is perfect for large jobs such as golf courses, sports areas, or campuses. pond windmill aerator parts, wilson signature series basketball size 7, swarovski brooch butterfly, Were browsing something about your browser made us think you were a bot: case '... 'Tg ': | As you were a bot Although performing, shows land pride power rake pr1672 of repair... Be replaced one at a time case 'FK ': They are also capable of raking windrowing... Dealers in Canada LATEST TWEETS: @ LANDPRIDE Shop Land Pride Parts Links can. - or - Kubota Dealers in Canada LATEST TWEETS: @ LANDPRIDE Shop Land Pride has on! Indication of needing repair or replacement LANDPRIDE Shop Land Pride has items on sale break ; break case... Gauge Wheels with Sealant: Easy to adjust vertically to set working depth: =! Landpride Shop Land Pride has items on sale HP Hitch Cat '590 ;.: They are also capable of raking or windrowing soil, rocks, a Read... Rocks, a + Read More case 'ER ': Browse LANDPRIDE Models Land Pride has on... 72 POWER RAKE: Easy to adjust vertically to land pride power rake pr1672 working depth or replacement LANDPRIDE Models Pride. ; Hitch: Cat items on sale ; case 'ER ': case '... 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